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Hydroelectric dam threatens livelihoods and endangered species in landlocked Laos

"Dam would block fish migrations that feed millions of people in region and threaten Irrawaddy dolphins and giant catfish"

Category: Energy sources


The bumpy road to harnessing truck power

"Nobody likes driving along a bumpy road. But to Shakeel Avadhany and Zack Anderson, both students at MIT, the bumps mean one thing - wasted energy. By using new, energy-harvesting shock absorbers, they're hoping to produce a 10%...


£50bn of European investment needed to kick-start Saharan solar plan

"Government investment worth £50bn would convince private companies that power from the Sahara solar scheme is feasible and attractive option, expert says"

Category: Energy sources


Biofuels do far more harm than good

"Yesterday the EU imposed temporary tariffs on US biodiesel because subsidies over there distort trade - but that shouldn't be the only reason to stop the biofuels juggernaut"

Category: Energy sources


Gales set wind power record for Spain

"Fierce winds push north-west Spain's wind farms to provide 40% of the country's electrical power"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 486 to 490 out of 1050